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The Majjhima Nikaya Epub File: A Guide to Reading and Studying the Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha Online


The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha (Majjhima Nikaya) is one of the most important collections of texts in Theravada Buddhism. It contains 152 discourses (suttas) by the Buddha and his chief disciples on various topics related to the Buddha's teachings (Dhamma). These discourses are considered to be authentic records of the historical Buddha's original words and wisdom.

The Middle Length Discourses Of The Buddha Epub File

The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha are not only valuable for Buddhist practitioners who want to learn more about the path to liberation (Nibbana), but also for Buddhist scholars who want to study more about the historical context and doctrinal development of early Buddhism. The discourses cover a wide range of subjects such as ethics, meditation, wisdom, dependent origination (paticca samuppada), emptiness (sunyata), rebirth (samsara), karma (kamma), etc.

In this article, we will explore how you can read and study the Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha online in epub format. Epub is a popular and widely used format for digital books (e-books) that can be read on various devices such as computers, tablets, smartphones, e-readers, etc. We will discuss the benefits and challenges of reading the Majjhima Nikaya online, the translation and publication history of the Majjhima Nikaya, and how to find and download the Majjhima Nikaya epub file. We will also provide some tips and suggestions for reading and studying the Majjhima Nikaya epub file effectively and enjoyably.

The Structure and Content of the Majjhima Nikaya

The Division into Three Parts

The Majjhima Nikaya is divided into three parts: Mulapannasa (The Root Fifty), Majjhimapannasa (The Middle Fifty), and Uparipannasa (The Final Fifty). Each part consists of 50 discourses, except for the last one which has 52 discourses. The discourses are further grouped into 15 sections (vaggas) of 10 discourses each, except for the last section which has 12 discourses.

The division of the Majjhima Nikaya into three parts is based on the number of items (dhammas) that are discussed in each discourse. The first part contains discourses that deal with one item, the second part contains discourses that deal with two items, and the third part contains discourses that deal with three or more items. For example, the first discourse of the first part (MN 1) deals with one item: the root sequence (mulapariyaya), which is a list of 24 categories of phenomena that are subject to different modes of perception and conception. The first discourse of the second part (MN 51) deals with two items: the five faculties (indriya) and the five powers (bala), which are mental qualities that lead to enlightenment. The first discourse of the third part (MN 101) deals with three items: wholesome states (kusala dhamma), unwholesome states (akusala dhamma), and indeterminate states (abyakata dhamma), which are types of mental phenomena that have different ethical implications.

The Main Themes and Teachings

The Majjhima Nikaya covers a rich variety of themes and teachings that reflect the diversity and depth of the Buddha's teachings. Some of the main themes and teachings found in the Majjhima Nikaya are:

  • Ethics: The Majjhima Nikaya contains many discourses that teach about ethical conduct (sila) for monks, nuns, laypeople, and rulers. For example, MN 41 teaches about the ten courses of wholesome action (kusalakammapatha) that lead to happiness in this life and the next; MN 61 teaches about the gradual training (anupubbasikkha) that begins with morality and ends with liberation; MN 85 teaches about the four great standards (mahapadesa) that guide one's actions in accordance with the Dhamma; MN 135 teaches about the law of kamma (kamma niyama) that determines one's rebirth according to one's actions.

  • Meditation: The Majjhima Nikaya contains many discourses that teach about meditation (bhavana) for developing concentration (samadhi) and insight (vipassana). For example, MN 10 teaches about the four foundations of mindfulness (satipatthana) that lead to direct knowledge and liberation; MN 19 teaches about the two kinds of thought (vitakka) that arise in meditation and how to deal with them; MN 36 teaches about the four jhanas (absorptions) that are attained by suppressing the five hindrances (nivarana); MN 118 teaches about the sixteen steps of breath meditation (anapanasati) that fulfill the four foundations of mindfulness.

  • Wisdom: The Majjhima Nikaya contains many discourses that teach about wisdom (panna) for understanding reality as it is and attaining liberation from suffering. For example, MN 22 teaches about the simile of the snake (alagaddupama) that illustrates how to grasp the Dhamma correctly without attachment or distortion; MN 26 teaches about the noble search (ariyapariyesana) that led to the Buddha's enlightenment under the Bodhi tree; MN 72 teaches about the doctrine of non-self (anatta) that negates any notion of a permanent or substantial self or soul; MN 121 teaches about the signless concentration of mind (animitta cetosamadhi) that leads to Nibbana.


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