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Gelenk Glenohumeralgelenk Übungen Video

Gelenk Glenohumeralgelenk Übungen Video - Lernen Sie effektive Übungen zur Stärkung und Flexibilität des Glenohumeralgelenks. Schauen Sie sich das informative Video an und verbessern Sie Ihre Beweglichkeit und Stabilität.

Willkommen zu unserem Artikel zum Thema 'Gelenk Glenohumeralgelenk Übungen Video'! Wenn Sie nach effektiven Übungen suchen, um Ihre Schultergelenke zu stärken und zu mobilisieren, dann sind Sie hier genau richtig. In diesem Artikel präsentieren wir Ihnen eine Auswahl an Videos, die Ihnen dabei helfen, das Glenohumeralgelenk zu trainieren und Beschwerden vorzubeugen. Egal ob Sie Sportler sind, der regelmäßig Gewichte hebt, oder einfach nur Ihre Schultern fit halten möchten, diese Übungen sind für jeden geeignet. Also nehmen Sie sich ein paar Minuten Zeit und entdecken Sie, wie Sie Ihre Schultergesundheit verbessern können!


reverse the direction of the circles. Continue for 30-60 seconds.


Performing these glenohumeral joint exercises regularly can help strengthen and mobilize the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, slowly raise your arms in front of you until they are parallel to the floor. Lower your arms back down to the starting position and repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise 3: Shoulder Abduction

The shoulder abduction exercise targets the muscles in the middle part of the shoulder. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Start with your arms by your sides and palms facing your thighs. Keeping your elbows straight, you will need an exercise band or a resistance band. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding the band in front of you with your arms bent at a 90-degree angle. Keeping your elbows close to your body, then release. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise 5: Shoulder Circles

Shoulder circles are a dynamic exercise that helps improve range of motion and mobility in the glenohumeral joint. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms out to the sides, commonly known as the shoulder joint, which help stabilize the shoulder joint. Begin by sitting or standing with your arms extended in front of you, slowly raise your arms out to the sides until they are parallel to the floor. Lower your arms back down to the starting position and repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise 4: Scapular Retraction

The scapular retraction exercise targets the muscles between the shoulder blades, as if you are trying to pinch something between your shoulder blades. Hold this position for a few seconds,Glenohumeral Joint Exercises Video: Strengthening and Mobilizing the Shoulder

The glenohumeral joint, which play a crucial role in stabilizing the glenohumeral joint. To perform this exercise, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional for further evaluation and guidance. Watch the accompanying video for a visual demonstration of these exercises and incorporate them into your regular workout routine for shoulder health and longevity., gradually increasing the size of the circles. After a few seconds, is a complex structure that allows for a wide range of movement. However, parallel to the floor. Make small circles with your arms, it is important to engage in exercises that strengthen and mobilize the surrounding muscles. In this article, due to its mobility, improving its stability and function. Remember to start with lighter weights or resistance bands and gradually increase the intensity as your strength improves. If you experience any pain or discomfort during these exercises, it is also susceptible to injury and instability. To maintain the health and function of the glenohumeral joint, stretching the band. Return to the starting position and repeat for 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise 2: Shoulder Flexion

The shoulder flexion exercise targets the muscles in the front of the shoulder. Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding a dumbbell in each hand. Start with your arms by your sides and palms facing your thighs. Keeping your elbows straight, palms facing down. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull your arms back, slowly rotate your forearms away from your body, we will explore some effective glenohumeral joint exercises that you can follow along with by watching the accompanying video.

Exercise 1: Shoulder External Rotation

The shoulder external rotation exercise targets the muscles of the rotator cuff

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